The DOG JOINT PAIN Therapy Pack is a kit prepared to help your pet attain symptomatic and long term relief from the pain of arthritis and hip dysplasia using herbal remedies to eliminate and manage symptoms. Secondary benefits have included increased energy, vitality and �perkiness�, and one even had reduction in subdermal tumors. Older dogs, especially, regain lost youthful playfulness.

Our patient�s pets usually show improvement in 1-4 weeks, depending on the starting condition, using this Therapy Pack. Prevention of reoccurrence becomes easier over time as dietary causative factors that exacerbate and perpetuate the condition are reduced or eliminated, and the need for remedies (natural or otherwise) diminishes as well.

If your pet is currently overweight, one the most important exacerbating factors in your pet�s arthritis, the food and exercise plan should also result in some weight loss with a resulting increase in energy and improved overall health.

TESTIMONIAL: For an article written for Mountain Weekly News about "Sid", the movie star dog, who made a spectacular recovery from arthritis and multiple tumors using our formulas, check out:


* Two exclusive Eve's Herbs proprietary blend herbal formulas specifically prepared to reduce joint inflammation and promote healing.

* Included FREE, Dr. Eve Campanelli's book, "Feeling Very Much Better" with short, concise and easy to read and use chapters which contain all the food and exercise recommendations, including foods to buy and foods to avoid - PLUS a chapter with healthy recipes, all to reinforce the effectiveness of the herbal formulas and maximize healing (This one�s for you, not your pet!).

* An instruction sheet on how to use this Therapy Pack most effectively.

* A complimentary Eve�s Herbs catalog with all of our formulas and their descriptions on how they may benefit you in dealing with a variety of health issues (Also, for you).

Eve's Herbs Formulas: AR+ and Bilica

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